The PCC LaserTech program partners closely with technical industry. 工业合作伙伴 may review and modify curricula, directly hire graduates or provide internships to enrolled students, donate hardware, offer guest lectures or product demonstrations.


Spring 2023 PCC LaserTech students have been visited by many industrial partners. These partners have offered hardware demonstrations and guest lectures to motivate LaserTech的学生和教职员工. 

Dr. 詹姆斯·汉密尔顿 光子清洁技术 in Platteville, WI demonstrated techniques used to clean optical surfaces via his 第一接触光学清洁聚合物. 

兰迪·海勒,前 相干Ondax in Monrovia, CA, discussed applications of optical devices such as volume holographic Bragg grating filters, as well as a fervent discussion about growing a company, including the integration of design and marketing into business growth. 

的工程师 太平洋光全息图公司 in Pasadena, CA visited, and PCC LaserTech students showed them their lab skills, including how to take spectral measurements with our Agilent Cary 7000 spectroradiometer. 

Engineers Joshua Munoz, Gerald DeLeon, Miguel Lopez, and Patrick Wilkinson of KLA in Milpitas, CA presented about the myriad electronics that rely on their devices, including computers, cell phones, optical displays, cloud computing systems, electric 车辆和机器人系统. 

马克·博伊尔 Amada焊接技术 in Monrovia, CA discussed laser-processing applications such as welding electronics 电动汽车电池和标记金属. 

喷气推进实验室的约翰·卡拉斯 in Pasadena, CA discussed the operation and development of fascinating atomic clock technologies that enable common electronics and optical devices, including GPS. 

PCC LaserTech curricula are now available as Open Educational Resources (OER)

The PCC LaserTech program has released open educational resources (OER) for three of its four courses, in collaboration with the Irvine Valley College's Optics, Photonics, and Lasers Technical Education Curriculum Development (OPAL-TEC) 格兰特(# 1801019) 美国国家科学基金会(NSF). 这意味着所有PCC LaserTech课程 are taught with zero-cost textbooks, and that these teaching materials may be used anywhere optical and laser technology needs to be taught. PCC LaserTech教师创建 OER from the proven LaserTech teaching materials that include lecture slides, laboratory experiments, exams, quizzes, instructional videos, and hardware demonstrations. These OER have been reviewed by industrial partners and academic affiliates for technical 内容和相关性在传播之前. 这些OER为大学奠定了基础 that are developing similar programs in laser and optical technology by reducing curriculum-development 教师时间.  

PCC LaserTech OER可通过 LASER-TEC 对于以下课程.




OER development for LASR260 光学系统计量学 is ongoing.

PCC LaserTech program selected to receive donation of a high-resolution beam-profiling 摄像机来自Gentec-EO

The PCC LaserTech program has been selected to receive a donation of the Gentec-EO BEAMAGE-4M beam-profiling相机. This 4.200万像素CMOS传感器 will help teach LaserTech students the valuable skills of how to make ISO-compliant 激光束和光学系统测量. 这款工业品质的相机将会 useful when learning about laser fundamentals in PCC’s LASR230 光学设备 course, and about an optical system's point-spread function, an important performance 度量,在PCC的LASR260 光学系统计量学 course.

PCC LaserTech students to work with advanced spectroradiometer detector in collaboration 与安捷伦

In its ongoing effort to advance scientific understanding, Agilent is excited to work with the 太阳城集团官方网址导航 激光技术 Program. This technical collaboration will strengthen the learning ecosystem for PCC LaserTech students by incorporating advanced technology into the LaserTech program's spectroradiometer. This technology will support cutting-edge spectral studies and measurements conducted 由PCC LaserTech学生提供. This perfectly aligns 与安捷伦’s commitment to innovate with a purpose and enrich the lives in the communities in which we operate.

精密光学 continues to offer field trips and shop tours for LaserTech 精密光学的质量保证 students

In an ongoing effort to supply the optics and photonics industry with qualified technicians, 精密光学 partners with local academia, including PCC’s 激光技术 Program.

精密光学 offers PCC LaserTech students field trip classes that cover 光切割 & shaping、精磨 & polishing, and 质量保证. On these trips, 精密光学 engineers and technicians offer detailed applications-based lectures, then students are given a comprehensive shop tour of each critical department 和工作中心. Students gain exposure to optics cutting, shaping, edging, blocking, 坡口,CNC加工. 学生能够进行实际的实验 基材和在制品检验. 提供了几个演示,包括 observation of test plate fringes, autocollimator configuration, 测角仪的使用, and 激光干涉测量. Students witness firsthand what it takes to properly fabricate an optical element from raw glass to a complete finished precision optical element! 后加工 is instructed and demonstrated, students are each provided with a unique 直角棱镜 按照相应的ISO 10110图纸进行检验. 学生们表演了一系列 of inspections using industry-grade equipment, including: 目视检查 对于表面缺陷 材料缺陷, 机械性能试验 在物理维度上, 角检验,以及对 表面纹理 and 表面的形式.

PCC LaserTech工业合作伙伴