There are a variety of electronic 资源 and texts you can use to develop and enhance 你的课程内容. 电讯盈科订购了几种电子书和数据库服务 通过Shatford图书馆. 此外,还有丰富的开放教育 资源内容可用,为学生提供负担得起的内容.

This page provides a comprehensive list of the some of 资源 that are useful for 内容开发.



  • 教科书比较检索
  • 教科书租赁




开放教育资源社区学院联盟 is a web resource in blog format that offers a discipline-specific free textbook search engine, webinars on OER use and adoption, a blog with up-to-date information 在OER,教程和博客上有大量的在线资源链接.


ContentCopia, developed by the California 社区 Colleges, is dedicated to providing affordable 面向学生的内容. 除了一个教科书比较工具,它还有一些有用的建议 for adopting affordable content; a list of online publishers, 材料 and free web 资源; information on affordable textbook advocacy; and additional 资源 for 学生寻找廉价或免费的教科书.


开放获取期刊目录(DOAJ) provides a searchable database of peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journal 各种学科的文章. 所有的物品都是免费的.


Lane的OER is a blog developed by Lane 社区 College faculty that has an extensive blogroll of faculty who are using OER as well as links to webinars and helpful 资源 for 将OER整合到社区大学教学环境中.


加州开放教育资源中心 has links about OER content, creating OER 材料, and information about accessibility 和许可. 此外,还有一个会员论坛(会员是免费的) as a 唽 feed with up-to-date information about OER conferences, webinars and 资源.


开放学习网络(OLnet) includes links to academic publications and research about supporting the use of OER以及帮助OER采用的工具和资源.



麻省理工学院公开课程 有麻省理工学院教授的视频讲座、笔记、幻灯片和考试. 所有材料都是 由知识共享署名非商业性共享方式许可.0的许可证, mearning instructors can share, adapt and remix the content for their own use.


MyOpenMath 有四门预建的数学课程(预代数,代数,微积分 & Trigonomy) 与几本开放的数学教科书保持一致. 每门课程的内容各不相同,但可以包括 在线练习集,测验,视频,讲义和其他资源. 学生可以 也要注册自学.


开放COURSEWARE联盟(OCW) 提供免费的、开放许可的大学课程链接. 此外,开放式课程 has a list of case studies of institutions using open COURSEWARE as well as a toolkit 让开放COURSEWARE项目启动并运行. 开放式课程组织 开放教育周,举办一系列活动和在线网络研讨会,以提高人们对开放资源的认识. PCC是成员之一 这个组织的.

免费的教科书 & 电子书


全球文本项目 has a collection of free textbooks in a variety of online formats covered under the 知识共享协议3.0许可证. 教师可以访问和修改的章节 教科书,但不是整本教科书.


OpenStax教科书 offers a select number of peer-reviewed, high quality college textbooks that, if 采用,可根据个人课程需求定制. 电子格式免费 对于学生和打印本可以以较低的价格获得. 也有支持 材料 – solutions manuals and teaching guides that accompany each textbook.


古登堡计划 hosts a collection of over 40,000 public domain 电子书 available in a variety of 电子格式(HTML, ePub, Kindle等.). 所有的书都是免费的.


维基教科书 is an open-source textbook/eBook site that has a variety of 资源 for a wide 年龄和教育水平的范围. 像维基百科一样,它是协作的 允许打开编辑.

内容集合(资源、教案/模块、多媒体) & 数据库


加州数字图书馆(CDL) developed by the University of California system, includes online and print collections 来自加利福尼亚各地图书馆和档案馆的资料. CDL包括出版物 从 加州大学出版社电子书合集,1982-2004 共有750种图书向公众开放,此外还有 数字特别收藏计划 它的一部分在线资源也向公众开放.


ChemVantage provides a variety of free 材料 to support college-level Chemistry courses. Materials include quizzes, links to OER textbooks, exercises, assessments and video 教程.


大学公开教材 provides information about adopting OER in the classroom, reviews of OER textbooks/资源 以及OER资源的搜索引擎.


联系 is a collaborative resource site that has content modules and collections (groups of modules consisting of 材料 such as textbooks, journal articles, multimedia, 等.). In 联系 you can author your own 材料 and add to existing 材料. Everything in 联系 is downloadable for free and print copies are available for 一小笔费用.


知识共享 is not only a means of licensing work, but it also offers a filter to search for creative works that can be used, adapted or modified under the various creative commons 许可证. 点击 探索 link to find photos, clip art, videos, songs or other multimedia content to use in 你的课程.


免费(联邦卓越教育资源) offers an easy way to search for links to teaching and learning 资源 — animations, documents, photos and videos – that have been created through funding 从 federal 政府.


互联网档案馆 互联网档案馆 is a searchable collection that either links to or provides a way to download historical document collections/public domain texts, audio, video, animation, 和软件.


梅洛 是一个在线的同行评议的高等教育资源集合吗. 除了 to academic papers, the 梅洛 repository also includes 材料 for course development (animations, images, case studies) and assessment as well as additional 资源 创建课程内容. 在梅洛中,您还可以编写在线内容.


OER共用 is a database of links to openly licensed teaching 材料 such as full courses, 讲座和迷你课程. OER数据库中列出的所有材料都已经过审核 按照严格的质量标准.


OpenDOAR is a way to search for international institutional and subject-based repositories 全文开放获取材料.


橘子林 is a repository of open textbooks which have been reviewed by the University Press 佛罗里达. 教科书在网上是免费的,印刷版的价格也很低. 除了 to OGT texts, there are also links to other sources of OER courseware 内容集合.


泰德-Ed的延伸 泰德 (Technology, Entertainment, Design) video repository, brings together educators and animators to create engaging video content with supplemental lessons and 材料.

多媒体收藏(图像,视频 & 有声读物)


Flickr 是否有在线照片/视频/动画分享和管理系统. 在Flickr上你可以 不仅仅是整理你的照片 & 图像内容,但您也可以查找图像来 在课堂上使用知识共享高级搜索功能. Flickr集成 直接进入CANVAS.


海马体 provides educational video 面向学生的内容 and instructors on a variety of general 教育的主题. 视频在网站上播放,不能下载. Users can create playlists of content, which is often correlated to commercial publisher 材料. Captioning is not available, but each video contains a text-based equivalent.


可汗学院 提供免费教育视频. 尽管它主要针对的是K-12的观众, there are many videos related to STEM topics as well as history, finance and economics, 为通识教育课程提供丰富的内容资源. 视频包括互动式 笔录或翻译字幕. 这些都可以在可汗学院的YouTube上找到 频道包括封闭字幕.


Librivox is a free collection of volunteer-read audiobooks of public domain works that can 以MP3格式下载. 作品有时有不同的语言版本.


Vimeo 是在线视频剪辑的集合吗. 使用Vimeo,您可以搜索视频,上传 your own video content as well as create a channel for students to view course 材料. Vimeo does not support a separate closed-captioned text-file/translation option. 任何 videos uploaded to Vimeo would need to be captioned prior to being put on Vimeo. To determine if you can use an existing non-captioned Vimeo video in your course, check 在下面 字幕的指导方针.


YouTube 最大的在线视频剪辑集是什么. 在YouTube上你可以搜索 videos, upload and do basic editing of your own video content as well as create your 有自己的频道供学生查看课程资料. YouTube有抄送功能 and you can also easily upload and edit your own transcript for captioning.